Mobilizing Angel Activity in Yukon and Emerging Ecosystems




Planning Pla ing

Government, interested community leaders, NACO, and Northern Ontario Angel Executive Director are recommended as resources.

Establish a group of Founding Directors who will work towards developing a not-for-profit- Angel Group: This will be done with people who are supportive of establishing an Angel Group and who may also be the Founding Members of the new Angel Group.

6 to 8 months before Angel Group is formally registered.

Have this group meet regularly once or twice per month.

Determine group leadership (e.g. a chair and recording secretary) and ensure each of the members has tasks to complete to determine if or when this Angel Group will be formally registered.

Government, Founding Directors, and Northern Ontario Angel Executive Director are recommended as resources.

Have this working group of Founding Directors provide presentations to various organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, First Nation Economic and Development agencies, Rotary clubs, and other economic development partners. In the community this will:

Within 6 to 8 months pre-planning

Help to determine the level of interest in the network;

Identify potential investors and mentors; and

Record the input from stakeholders and increase awareness of the new net work.



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