Mobilizing Angel Activity in Yukon and Emerging Ecosystems

Overview of Angel Group Development RESOURCES

Once a significant community of angels has been established and investment activity reaches a strong and consistent pace, we recommend developing a formal Angel Group as either a separate entity or subsidiary of NACO. The recommendations that follow are structured around the formation of a fully separate entity however a blended approach may be appropriate whereby NACO provides organizational and administrative support to maintain efficiencies and ensure long term sustainability. Angel Groups can give new or individual angels more confidence and convenience than if acting alone when investing, which, in turn, can result in the growth of new ventures or better terms for entrepreneurs. Angels are individuals. Along with that comes an enormous variety of unique personalities and perspectives. Angel Groups can help create more consistency, structure, and organization in investments while streamlining and simplifying the fundraising process for entrepreneurs. There are a variety of reasons for angel investors to work with Angel Groups rather than going it alone, including: Gaining improved access to deal flow; Lowering risk in investing; Increasing investment diversification; Using the diverse skill sets and professional backgrounds of individual investors; Ability to conduct better due diligence; Ability to make more sizable and meaningful investments; More power to control the success of start-ups with which they invested; and Developing better post-investment deal monitoring processes.



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