Mobilizing Angel Activity in Yukon and Emerging Ecosystems




Planning Pla ing

Government, Founding Directors, and Northern Ontario Angel Executive Director is recommended as a resource.

Once the Founding Directors have determined that there is enough support for starting the Angel Group, they would meet with government officials to determine what level of financial support is available for an Angel Group:

To be determined by Founding Directors

Prepare a modest budget for the start-up phase of the organization (See Appendix H);

Meet with government to determine if they will fund the groundwork for this network; costs will include meeting expenses, travel, registering the Angel Group and others to be determined;

Decide on the name of the Angel Group and a possible visual identity;

Register the network as a legal not-for-profit organization and determine a year-end;

Establish the Board of Directors;

Ensure that the Board has a cross-section of skills and technical expertise, a commitment to support the growth of the economy, and represents the face of Whitehorse. It should draw from backgrounds in accounting, law and information technology, Indigenous leadership, business owner representatives, investors, males, females, youth, and community representatives. A Board of 7 Directors to start and the ability to have up to 9 or 11 directors is recommended (See Appendix C, D & E); Vote in the Directors and determine a Chair, Treasurer, Secretary (at a minimum) and prepare for announcements of the formal Angel Group; and Funders can be ex-officio on the Board (e.g.. CanNor, Government of Yukon, other funding agencies).



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