Mobilizing Angel Activity in Yukon and Emerging Ecosystems

Mobilizing Angel Activity in Yukon: An action plan to support entrepreneurs in Canada’s emerging ecosystems summarizes the work completed since 2017 with respect to the creation of an angel investor community in Yukon. This report shares detailed recommendations to activate angel investment – however, adapting, adjusting, and modifying the recommendations during implementation is strongly encouraged. It is important that early-stage investment activities in Yukon is attuned to the unique characteristics of the territory’s emerging innovation ecosystem.

During the course of this project, three community engagement sessions were held, bringing together key stakeholders to discuss the development of an early-stage investment ecosystem in Yukon, share best practices and participate in educational workshops. The outputs of these sessions combined with third party research and the expertise of the National Angel Capital Organization provided the foundation for this report.

Three themes emerged during the community engagement sessions:

Theme One

Theme Two

Theme Three

Quality of life and connection to the land are of primary importance; and

Yukon in the future is diversified and self- sustaining (less reliance on mining, more tech, and entrepreneurship); and

Everyone is involved in achieving the goals-all levels of government, instituations, individuals.

Community values and economic opportunity are linked.

Youth are more engaged in determining their own path



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