Mobilizing Angel Activity in Yukon and Emerging Ecosystems




4. The Investment Environment Implementation Implementation

Government, Founding Directors, and Northern Ontario Angel Executive Director are recommended as resources.

Put in place other committees, such as Executive Committee, Nominating Committee, Policy Committee as needs be. Set out the length of time the Director(s) will be on the Board.

To be determined by founding Directors

See Appendix B;

This will ensure the smooth operation of the Board moving forward;

Ensure that the Board has a wide base of knowledge and experience - the Board is the face of the organization. Ensure all partners have ties to the Board and support the initiatives of the Angel Group moving forward; Provide direction as to the type of investments the community needs, develop strategies to grow the IT sector, work with educational institutions to the ensure Angel Group is part of all growth opportunities;

Determine fees, if any, for investors to become members; and

Work with the Executive Director to ensure that they meet with all partners, develop strong relationships, and educate all partners about the roles of this new organization.

Government, interested community leaders, and Northern Ontario Angel Executive Director is recommended as a resource.

Ensure the Executive Director or Angel Group partners host training sessions and events, and garner media attention to the workings of an Angel Group:

To be determined by Founding Directors

Meet will all potential angels and discuss what types of investments will take place within the first few years;

Have basic term sheets available for investors to review;

Have all potential investors and mentors sign confidentiality forms, investor forms, and advisory forms. Host an informal get-together to have them set goals and investigate the types of investments and portfolios e.g. 50% technology, 20% service/retail, 20% manufacturing, 10% real estate. (See Appendices F & G); and

Use current investors and mentors as resources to grow and support the network.



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