Mobilizing Angel Activity in Yukon and Emerging Ecosystems


In year two of the project, the Angel Community lead and key ecosys- tem stakeholders can begin to increase the momentum of the angel community while continuing to focus on the responsibilities outlined in year one. One area of opportunity is the development of a Co-invest- ment or “Matching Funds” initiative to stimulate investment activity, increase investment impact, and attract new investors. In order to en- courage investments in local entrepreneurs and to increase impact, we recommend creating a “matching funds” initiative in Yukon. This commonly used mechanism can be long term or temporary and may be combined with investor tax credits such as the Yukon Small Business Investment Tax Credit for increased impact. Additional in- formation on co-investment initiatives are included in the resources section of this document. Regional or national investment tax credits are also an interesting area of opportunity and provide a mechanism to incentivize investment into the wider early-stage ecosystem, deliv- ering value to Canada’s entrepreneurs and facilitating interprovincial and interterritorial investment for angel investors looking to develop a diversified portfolio.



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