Mobilizing Angel Activity in Yukon and Emerging Ecosystems

Key Areas Of Responsibility For The Angel Community Lead:

Increase the awareness of angel investing to introduce the concept and identify potential investors, champions, and partners

Support the development of a brand identity for these angel activity initiatives (i.e. Yukon Angels) and establish a presence across online and in-person channels Recruit new angel investors and connect them to NACO resources to ensure that they have a strong understanding of the asset class and can improve the outcomes of their investments. Launch regular programming for local angel investors focused on building knowledge, creating support networks, and providing an opportunity to connect potential investors with active angels. Support the development of ‘investor-ready’ entrepreneurs, leveraging the NACO Investor Readiness Program to address knowledge gaps and increase the success potential of investment opportunities. Coordinate with investors from outside the region to complement local investment activity and inject vital resources into the ecosystem as local capacity builds.

Utilize support from NACO to manage investments and due diligence in a cost-effective and centralized manner.

Engage with sponsors to support programming and increase the visibility of angel activity.

Track year-over-year investment metrics and activity.



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