Mobilizing Angel Activity in Yukon and Emerging Ecosystems

Funding Yukon Innovation, A Yukon-based Funding Concept for Technology Investors and Entrepreneurs was prepared by Northmark Ventures in January 2018. Figure 2 recognizes early-stage ecosystem progress in both community and education and identifies the critical missing component as capital. An Angel Group and/or Fund would increase access to capital for qualifying, investment-ready, entrepreneurs.

The Yukon Entrepreneurial Technology

Figure 2: The Yukon Entrepreneurial Technology Journey, (5)

Where are we?

Community - Yukonstruct/(co)space is fully operating - Innovation Hub being planned

Education - One cohort of Tech Bootcamp graduates produced - Young Technologists internships available annually - Startup Checkpoint program in its third year and expanding Capital - Several territorial and federal grant programs applied ad-hoc - No real solution in place for technology investors and entrepreneurs

Findings in each of the reports support the development of an angel investor community in Yukon. The Whitehorse community has identified the need for increased access to education, mentorship, and capital within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Increasing economic development in Yukon through establishing a coordinated angel investor community serves as direct recognition and response to the need expressed in the community.

In turn, a successful angel investor community could enhance the priorities of economic development held by all levels of governments.

(5) Northmark Ventures (2018). Funding Yukon Innovation A Yukon-based Funding Concept for Technology Investors and Entrepreneurs.



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