A Practical Guide To Angel Investing (First Edition)


Since I co-authored Age of the Angel six years ago in 2010, the Angel investment asset class has undergone tremendous professionalization and maturation. It was time to completely rewrite the book in order to incorporate the deep stream of NACO Academy modules, new research on successful Angel investment best practices, new entrepreneurship tools, the rise of early exits, and new government regulations and stimulation programs. The Angel ecosystem in Canada has blossomed over the last seven years to become a global leader in startup investing. In Canada, the Angel investment asset class now invests as much money as the venture capital industry, while investing in about 25 times as many new ventures! This book is designed to capture the insights and experiences of this vast ecosystem of Angels and experts to completely rewrite NACO’s guidebook on how to be (or get money from) an Angel investor. This book is designed for three audiences. It is primarily written for new and recent Angel investors – to introduce you to the world of Angel investing and provide guidance on where to find deals, what to look for in a good investment, how to structure your investments, when to exit (leave the deal), and who’s who in the ecosystem. There are lots of facts and figures, tips, stories and quotes throughout, and I have tried to achieve a casual tone. Secondarily, this book is intended to help current Angel investors by demonstrating the diversity of opinions, indicating trends, and pointing toward current practices. As Karen Grant, Executive Director, Angel One Investor Network points out: “There is no such static thing as a best practice. Because the economy changes, our practices must change with them. And that varies from one place and time and group to another.” Angels can use this book as a guidebook as you navigate the new world of Angel investing or skim it to find the bits you like, nod your head in agreement at certain quotes, laugh at jokes, and find something you didn’t know or hadn’t thought of before.


3 A Practical Guide to Angel Investing: How to Achieve Good Returns

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