2022 Report on Angel Investing in Canada 110822

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Investment Activity in 2021


New and Increased Activity in Western Canada, Atlantic Canada, and Yukon FIGURE F

Angel groups facilitated 635 investments in 2021, compared with 416 in 2020: a 53% in- crease in investments made year-over-year, and a 38% increase over the four-year av- erage. In 2021, an average of $346,024 was invested in each company. The majority of investments were made in new ventures. The data indicate increased angel activity in Western Canada and Atlantic Canada. Addi- tionally, we are excited to report new invest- ment activity in Yukon. In contrast to Investment Activity illustrated in the pie chart above, Dollar Amount Invest- ed shows Central Canada at 72%, Western Canada at 17%, Atlantic Canada at 11% and Northern Canada at less than 1%.

Central Canada 67%

Western Canada 27%


Atlantic Canada


Northern Canada

Composition of Reported Investments: New vs. Follow-on

80% New Investments 20% Follow-on Investments

Due to rounding, figures may not total 100%.


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