2022 Report on Angel Investing in Canada 110822


Investment Characteristics - Region 3.8

A ngel investment activity continues to be distribut- ed unevenly across Canada. Central Canada (On- tario and Quebec) accounted for 67% of investments in 2021 compared with 27% in Western Canada, 5% in At- lantic Canada and 1% in Northern Canada (Figure 20A). Compared with 2020, Central Canada’s dominance was reduced (77% in 2020), with the share of investment ris- ing in both Western Canada and Atlantic Canada (22% and 1% respectively in 2020). Central Canada’s domi- nance is also reflected in its share of the amount in-

vested, accounting for 72% of the total (Figure 20B). But here again, this is lower than in 2020 (78%), with the West accounting for 16% of the amount invested and Atlantic Canada accounting for 12%. Central Canada’s dominance is a function not just of its greater number of investments but also on account of its higher mean size of investment. The mean size of investment in Central Canada in 2021 was $377,000, compared with $301,258 for Canada as a whole and


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